The Canon 18-55 is a lens which is included in a kit when purchasing a Canon body. I think the new kit has changed and the lens now includes image stabilising which is pretty rad. But anyway, I find alot of people say this lens is rubbish, so much so they talk people out of even getting it with their purchase. For a lens which is only worth around $100 or less, it’s a great little lens. Depending what your doing with it, I can understand its limitations especially in regards to portraiture. For memory it only goes to around F 3.5 which could be better for portraits and ideally if your serious I would get the Canon 50 1.8 and couple that with the kit lens perhaps. But you can still get some ok shots for portraits and it will do fine while learning.
The same can be said with it for landscape photography which does have similar limitations somewhat. While the lens isn’t super wide, 18mm isn’t too bad but once you have a play with something like a 10-12mm you will realise that 8mm makes alot of difference. I’m not going to pretend this is some super lens but really it’s perfect for the amateur just looking to have a play and learn their camera in and out.
From what I learnt with this lens, pop it on a tripod for landscape and dial it up to around F.16 and go nuts. Ignore what others say and use the time to decide which range you use more, if you find you’re shooting around the 18-24 mark often then maybe a ultra wide angle like the Canon 10-22 or the cheaper Sigma alternative is a good option. Perhaps you shoot in the 30-55 range which I would probably recommend a 24-70 or 24-105. I’m only reccomending the expensive Canon lenses because that’s all that I’m familiar with and I have nothing against the more cheaper options but just cant speak first hand.
Here are a couple that I had taken in the past with this little lens
I quite often ignore this lens as I have a couple of more creative lenses in my kit but recently I’ve brought it out again to play with an infrared filter and some “wide angle macro” photography. I’m never disappointed with the pics it takes!