I just came across this tool developed by Stephen Trainor which allows you to key in your location and be provided with sun and moon rise times but also what direction they will rise based on your location (click). I’ve seen similar things done in the past but find this much better and think its a must for any landscape photographer. I believe the program is for both mac and windows so enjoy.
Thanks for making me aware of this – it'll definitely be useful when planning sunset/sunrise shoots.
I've used Stellarium before, but it's focus is more on star gazing, and as a result, it's a lot more effort to determine the sunset and sunrise angles…
However, the Photographer's Ephemeris provides an easy-to-use interface with the directions overlayed over the top of Google Maps, which will definitely be handy!
I use a similar program “Solaris II” on my Palm pilot. It gives all the same numerical data. There is no map and there is the added step of setting the time to sunset to get this angle as it gives angles during the whole sun track.
I like the palm because its easy to carry, long battery life and I also have the program for calculating DOF for any CoC and focal length/f-stop
Niels Henriksen
If you’ve got an iPhone, check out an app called Darkness. Does pretty much the same thing bit will also calculate the info based on your current location via GPS.
Thanks Alex, seems like a handy app to have.
Nice Alex. I will download it and give it a go.