Hard to believe another year has quickly flown past. I know I wrote this last year with my previous 2013 retrospective but like the previous year it doesn’t feel that long ago I was writing my previous retrospective.
This year was a bit different for me where instead of taking solo outings I spent more time taking multi-day trips to rural Victoria, Port Campbell near the 12 Apostles and the Tasmanian East Coast. It was nice just to escape everything for a few days and spend time dedicating a few days to photography and exploring. Something I enjoy more and more is just getting out there and exploring with photography almost coming secondary sometimes. Amidst all of this, I had the opportunity to meet and shoot with some great photographers along the way.
Posts from 2014
Here are some posts from throughout 2014:
- This year I kicked things off with a swim and seascape shoot at Portsea, Victoria. It was the perfect combination and a great way to spend a 40 degree day
- Not long after this shoot at Portsea, I was fortunate to get a ripper sunset at Shelley Beach not far from Portsea
- The launch of an ongoing before and after series where I share the original and post processed image and explain how the photograph was taken and processed
- The Year of the Copy Cats – A slightly controversial post I put together earlier in the year after seeing a flood of photos taken of the exact same composition at the same location. Over and over
- Two Photoshop portraits How to Create a Double Exposure in Photoshop and another on How to Add a 3D Effect to Your Photography Portraits
- Exploring country Victoria with a trip to Mansfield, Victoria. As a result of this trip, I had an exciting feature on 500px on self portraits
- I finally made my way to the 12 Apostles for a weekend down the Great Ocean Road
- What Are Neutral Density Filters and How to Use Them
- A quick weekend shooting Dark Mofo and other parts of Tasmania
- Getting out of my comfort zone with a morning trip for daytime shots at Cape Woolamai, Victoria
- Photographing an iconic piece of artwork along the Eastlink Highway with the Eastlink Hotel
- Secret Falls had been on my list of locations to shoot for a while. Over winter I finally got there and was amazed of how beautiful this little hidden gem was
Photographs from 2014
My favourite photographs taken over 2014 around Victoria, Tasmania and Sri Lanka
Thanks for viewing and I hope you had an enjoyable 2014. Looking forward to sharing more photos over 2015.
– Alex