Recently this week I was put onto a new tool for photographers which enables you to upload or link to an image and TinEye will search for that image to tell you where it’s being used. Initially I was very sceptical about the system and didn’t think my image would be found anywhere but it came up being used on CNet and RedBubble but I already knew about that so was no biggy. If only my images were being used somewhere controversial that I didn’t know about, that definately would of made things interesting.
At this stage TinEye is in invitation stage but if you sign up there should be a invite in your inbox within a few hours. Also the database is still very much developing and as others have said it would be great if myspace and other social networking sites were a huge priority as if my images were to be used anywhere, that’s where they would probably go no doubt.
Would love to hear others experiences and if your shots are being used anywhere without your consent